Understanding the benefits of white noise

By admin

White noise is a type of sound that is often used in audio engineering, music production, and various other fields. It is a sound signal that has a constant amplitude across all frequencies within a…

Relaxing to the sounds of the sea

By admin

The sound of the sea is one of the most soothing and relaxing sounds on earth. Listening to the gentle lapping of waves, the rustling of seagrass, and the cries of seagulls can transport you…

Make time to relax your mind

By admin

Like your body needs rest after a strenuous workout or a full day of physical work, your mind also needs downtime. Using time to create some head space is not really socially acceptable, not particularly…

Mixing new sea sounds

By admin

We are forever recording new sea sounds and ocean ambiance to be considered for addition to The Sea Cast website. Whilst the option is there for users to mix whatever sounds they want, to capture…

Website goes live

By admin

After working across the website most of the week, including a few interruptions such as a flu and Christmas! The website is now live. I’ll be fixing any bugs that arise and possibly adding a…